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Storytelling for Scientists

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
5:00pm to 7:00pm
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  • Public Event

Caltech Theater presents a virtual presentation of 6 storytellers sharing their science stories and personal stories around synergy.

Presenters, including postdoctoral scholars, a graduate student, and an alumnus, have been working with Caltech Theater Director Brian Brophy for the past ten weeks. Brophy's emphasis has been on crafting their stories with a focus on content as well as proper vocal techniques (tone, pitch, delivery, articulation, tempo, rhythm), non-verbal communication, with relaxation exercises, and peer-to-peer critiques.

Join us to hear stories of Richard Feynman's biggest challenge; the joy of rapid, dead stars; new cancer techniques; the disease of volunteerism, and more.

This event is free and open to the public.

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Arslan Ahmed
, postdoctoral scholar

  • "Another Group Assignment…" (synergy)
  • "Blood, Sweat and Coffee" (science)

Amir H. Behbahani, postdoctoral scholar

  • "I Have a Disease!" (synergy)
  • "Think Before You Swat!" (science)

Marie Blatnik, graduate student

  • "Everyone Deserves to Be Found" (synergy)
  • "The Los Alamos Bustle" (science)

Amruta Jaodand, postdoctoral scholar

  • "To Boldly Go Where No One's Gone Before" (synergy)
  • "The Joy of Rapid, Dead Stars" (science)

Rajib Schubert, former postdoctoral fellow

  • "Understand Life With the Windhorse" (synergy)

Avinoam Bar Zion, postdoctoral scholar

  • "These Cells Will Self-Destruct in Seven Minutes" (science)
For more information, please contact Brian Brophy by email at