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Diana Wyenn's "Blood/Sugar"

Saturday, November 21, 2020
7:00pm to 9:00pm
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  • Public Event

Theatrical artist Diana Wyenn, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in early adulthood, masterfully weaves multimedia, historical perspective, sobering health statistics, personal narrative, Shakespearean texts, and original movement to express the complexities of living with a chronic illness. 

This performance art piece was originally conceived for the stage, but Wyenn's increased risk for contracting COVID-19 has compelled her to brilliantly rework the acclaimed production. It is now broadcast live from her home, adding an intensely personal dimension to this can't-miss tour de force.

The performance is immediately followed by a conversation between Wyenn, the audience, and local diabetes educators and nutritionists, to be announced.

Viewing Details

Pricing per household/connection:

  • $10 - early bird price through Sunday, November 1
  • $20 - general admission price beginning on Monday, November 2


Ticket holders will be emailed a link to view the production a few hours prior to the performance.

For more information, please contact the Caltech Ticket Office by email at