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Conversations on Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Personalized Medicine

Friday, March 10, 2023
11:00am to 11:45am
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Since the 1950s, scientists and engineers have endeavored to design computers that "think," machines that can make decisions and find patterns in data the same way humans do. In more recent years, through the rise of artificial intelligence, the ability of computers to mimic human thought has become increasingly powerful and prevalent. Today, AI propels discovery across scientific fields, enables researchers to delve into problems previously too complex to solve, and drives much of our digital lives.

But where is the line between what machines can achieve and what remains science fiction? How is that line blurring, and what is the future of artificial intelligence? At Caltech, researchers work at the leading edge of AI to expand its capabilities and examine its impacts on society.

Increasingly sophisticated and powerful, artificial intelligence has the potential to usher in a new era of precision, or personalized, medicine. AI-powered medical interventions could improve diagnosis and treatment by sensing, analyzing, and responding to the data our bodies generate through brain signals, sweat, and more.

In the next Conversation in this series, electrical and medical engineer Azita Emami (Caltech's Andrew and Peggy Cherng Professor of Electrical Engineering and Medical Engineering) will discuss how her lab incorporates AI into medical devices to improve health and enhance quality of life. The conversation will focus on early seizure detection and a brain-machine interface that people who are paralyzed can use to move robotic limbs or operate computers using only their intentions.


This is a free event, but registration is required. The first 1,000 attendees can join the Zoom webinar. Others will be provided with a YouTube link.

About the Participants

Azita Emami
Andrew and Peggy Cherng Professor of Electrical Engineering and Medical Engineering
Azita Emami is a medical and electrical engineer who creates circuits and photonics for data communication, sensing, and biomedical applications, including wearable and implantable devices, brain-machine interfaces, and drug delivery. Her lab uses novel engineering techniques, machine learning, and simultaneous design of software and hardware to make wireless, energy-efficient microdevices that open new possibilities for medicine and other applications. Emami earned a master's and doctoral degrees from Stanford and a bachelor's degree from Sharif University of Technology. At Caltech, she is also a director of the Center for Sensing to Intelligence (S2I) and executive officer of the electrical engineering department.
Robert Perkins
Content and Media Strategist, Caltech's Office of Strategic Communications
Robert Perkins is a content and media strategist and emergency communications coordinator in Caltech's Office of Strategic Communications. He graduated from the University of Kansas and the University of Southern California, and has worked as a news reporter and public relations specialist. Currently, he covers research in the fields of engineering, geology, and planetary science while also working on Caltech's COVID-19 communications efforts.

This series is presented by the Caltech Science Exchange, which brings expert insight to the scientific questions that define our time. The Science Exchange offers trustworthy answers, clear explanations, and fact-driven conversation on critical topics in science and technology.