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Exploration: The Globe and Beyond

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Dabney Hall 110 (Treasure Room)
Elizabeth Horodowich, Department Head, Department of History, New Mexico State University,
Alexander Nagel, Professor of Art History, New York University,
  • Public Event

America and Asia mingled in the geographical and cultural imagination of Europe for well over a century after 1492. Numerous artifacts produced between 1492 and 1700 portrayed Mexico as India, North America as an extension of China, and South America as the site of legendary biblical and Far East places. Our discussion reveals a dynamic model of the world and of Europe's place in it that was eclipsed by the rise of Eurocentric 19th- and 20th- century narratives.

For more information, please contact Fran Tise by phone at 626-395-3609 or by email at