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SASS: Maquiladoras: Impacts of Globalization on US/Mexico Border Communities

Friday, October 20, 2006
7:30pm to 10:00pm
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Baxter Lecture Hall
  • Public Event
Speakers Enrique Davalos and Rogelio Valencia, along with other colleagues who work at the maquiladoras at the Mexico border, are activists at the Centro de Información para Trabajadoras y Trabajadores (The Workers' Information Center) in Tijuana and the San Diego Maquiladora Workers' Solidarity Network. Together they work as community members and activists to educate and promote awareness about the maquiladoras, maquiladora workers, the impact of globalization on their border communities, and issues affecting the maquiladora workers such as gender, labor, health, trade, human rights and social and environmental justice.

Come learn about these very important issues directly from the maquiladora workers and activists working with these organizations at the Mexico border.

The Centro de Información para Trabajadoras y Trabajadores (The Workers' Information Center/CITTAC) is a non-governmental organization of women and men from Baja California, Mexico that promotes, publicizes, supports and accompanies workers' struggles, especially within the maquiladora industry, to better their labor and living conditions, defend their human rights, and create autonomous and democratic organizations.

The San Diego Maquiladora Workers' Solidarity Network is a bi-national effort to support the struggle of Mexican workers in Baja California, to promote the bi-national friendship and solidarity between San Diego and Baja California workers and to circulate news about work conditions and movements of maquiladora workers and promote actions in solidarity for their struggles.

Witness for Peace (WFP) is an organization that works to change United States national and corporate policies to ones which more fully support peace, justice and sustainable economies in the Americas. WFP takes direction primarily from those groups within the Americas who suffer most from these policies. WFP pledges to carry out this mission with means that are non-violent and spiritually centered. WFP hosts delegations, speaker tours, and a variety of grassroots outreach, education, and actions to support this mission.

This event, presented in collaboration with Witness for Peace, is part of The Caltech Y's Social Activism Speaker Series, which focuses attention on current social and political issues by inviting prominent activists to speak to the Caltech community and the public, and to share their experiences and perspectives.

Witness for Peace

Event Sponsor: The Caltech Y
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