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von Kármán Lecture - How NASA Observes Earth from Air & Orbit

Thursday, April 16, 2020
7:00pm to 8:30pm
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Online Event
Paul Rosen, Project Scientist, NISAR mission, NASA-JPL,
  • Public Event

Out of concern for the health of our community as a social distancing measure in light of COVID-19, our normal Friday presentation of JPL's lecture has been canceled.

This JPL lecture will presented on a Thursday, online only:

Watch the event live on YouTube
Watch the event live on Facebook
Browse the YouTube playlist of past lectures in the series


In time for Earth Day, this month's show features campaigns that monitor our planet from orbit as well as from the air. We'll focus on how NASA monitors global change from on high—for example monitoring global methane and carbon dioxide emissions—while also monitoring hyperlocal change from aircraft, such as earthquake damage, fires and aquifers.

Von Kármán Lectures are presented twice monthly, once at JPL and once in Caltech's Beckman Auditorium, and are free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online registration via Eventbrite is requested for the von Kármán Lectures held at Caltech. There is no online registration for von Kármán Lectures held at JPL.

About the Series

The Theodore von Kármán Lecture Series, named after JPL's founder, and presented by JPL's Office of Communication and Education, brings the excitement of the space program's missions, instruments and other technologies to both JPL employees and the local community. Lectures take place twice per month, on consecutive Thursdays and Fridays. The Thursday lectures take place in JPL's Theodore von Kármán Auditorium and are streamed live via Ustream, and Friday lectures take place at Caltech. Both start at 7:00 p.m. Admission and parking are free for all lectures. No reservations are required, but seating is limited. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.

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For more information, please contact the Caltech Ticket Office by phone at 626-395-4652 or by email at or visit JPL's lecture page.