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Willson & McKee: Rocky Mountain Celtic Music

Saturday, March 17, 2007
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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Dabney Hall, Lounge
  • Public Event
This family-friendly St. Patrick's Day concert will feature "Rocky Mountain Celtic" music: Celtic and Celtic-influenced music, a blend of Irish and Scottish traditions with the musical styles of the American west.

This very talented pair from Colorado combines original and traditional songs, and they have mastered quite a range of instruments to back their fine vocals. Kim McKee is featured on accordian, hammer dulcimer, guitars, folk harp, mountain dulcimer, bodhran, stories and a wonderful bit of ceili dance! Ken Willson can be heard playing guitars, Irish Bouzouki, bagpipes (on occasion), storytelling, and some mean ceili swing himself. They play traditional Scottish and Irish songs, along with lots of their own well-crafted tunes, which are written and played in Celtic style. Their harmonies are outstanding and not to be missed!

Presented By: Caltech Folk Music Society
For more information, please contact Caltech Ticket Office by phone at (626) 395-4652 or by email at
$15 adults; $5 youth