Science Journey: I, Human: Unlocking the Secret of Human Intelligence
Sneha Aenugu
Social & Decision Neuroscience graduate student
About the Presentation
Neuroscience • Artificial Intelligence
As far as we know for certain, humans are the only species in the vast expanse of the cosmos with the consciousness and intelligence to study the mysteries of the universe. But the biggest mystery of all may be right in our own heads. How much do we know about the origins of our own intelligence? How am I able to convey complex thoughts by writing these words, and how are you able to understand me by reading them? How do people learn intricate skills like playing soccer or the violin? How did our collective brains come together to send humans into outer space, or to harness energy from within the atom?
In my research, I design experiments that set out to answer these very difficult questions using a common activity: video games. Learn how my lab at Caltech collects evidence for human skill development through studying how people—and artificial intelligence systems—play games like Minecraft.
Join me on this journey to explore the secrets of human intelligence and learn about the quest for intelligence that brought me to Caltech.
About the Speaker
Graduate student Sneha Aenugu is an electrical engineer turned neuroscientist from Hyderbad, India. She was first drawn to neuroscience when she realized that cells in the brain communicate with each other through electricity. At Caltech, Sneha studies how humans learn, act, and make decisions in the real world. The lab she works in employs technology that measures and creates images of brain activity. Sneha and her colleagues then use computer science to test theories about how the brain works.
Her love of science started in middle school when she discovered the joy of solving tricky math problems. Then, in high school, she began applying those skills to the study of physics.
Prior to Caltech, Sneha worked in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry building an automatic driving assistance product, and, during the COVID-19 pandemic, analyzing health care data using AI.
Apart from being a detective of neural mysteries, Sneha enjoys traveling, swimming, reading literary fiction, and writing poetry. She also practices improvisational dancing and is learning to play the violin. She sees art, music, and humor as core to being human and is, therefore, curious about how the human brain can express creativity through artistic endeavors.
A type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can perform as well or better than humans on a wide range of tasks that involve thinking and learning. Conversely, narrow AI specializes in specific tasks.
A direct communication pathway between the brain's electrical activity and an external device, most commonly a computer or robotic limb. Also known as a brain-machine interface (BMI).
A method of training AI in which an AI system (referred to as an agent) learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and earning rewards for correct outcomes. The goal of reinforcement learning is for the agent to learn the best strategy or set of rules it can follow that leads to it earning the most rewards over time.
A comprehensive map or diagram of the connections among nerve cells in the brain. It provides a detailed representation of the structural or functional connectivity between individual neurons, neural populations, brain regions, or larger brain networks.
An interdisciplinary field that applies computer-based modeling, machine learning, and computational neuroscience techniques to study and understand what happens in the brain when someone has a mental disorder. It seeks to develop computational frameworks and algorithms to model, simulate, and analyze brain processes related to psychiatric conditions, with the goal of improving diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies.
Activity for the Classroom
Think about the sensory information your brain is receiving—and the instructions it sends out in response—to accomplish even seemingly simple tasks. For this activity, you need a deck of standard playing cards, a timer, and a partner.
With your partner timing you, deal out all the cards into two random piles. Record how long it took. Next deal out all the cards into two color-coded piles (usually red and black). How long did that take?
Now, deal the cards into four piles, sorted by suit (diamonds, hearts, spades, and clubs), and record how long it took. What sensory information did you use to accomplish this task? How was memory involved? What happened as the task became more complex?
— Adapted from American Academy of Neurology
Recommended Resources
Artificial Intelligence explainers from the Caltech Science Exchange:
VIDEO: Anatomy of a Neuron (Khan Academy)
About the Series
In Science Journeys, Caltech graduate students and postdoctoral scholars share their research to inspire scientific curiosity. Programs are designed for middle and high schoolers, but all are welcome.
These programs are made possible through the generosity of the Friends of Beckman Auditorium.
If you have questions, please email Mary Herrera at